U.R.N. Programs for Specific Diseases: Kidney Resource Services

End stage renal disease (ESRD) is a complex condition with considerable economic implications. Ongoing care can cost $15,000 – $40,000 per month and kidney failure leads to multiple co-morbidities such as cardiovascular disease, which is twice as common in ESRD patients. There is a significant variance in the quality of care provided to dialysis patients, with 40% of Medicare-certified dialysis facilities not meeting minimum standards of anemia management for 80% of their patients. U.R.N. provides clinical consulting and administrative services that can reduce complications and costs associated with ESRD, and U.R.N. fee structure ensures clients receive a high ROI for these services. Absence of negotiated contracts is costly, with some clients facing markups of over 500% on dialysis services.  Non-standard billing is not uncommon. U.R.N.’s Chronic Kidney Disease Extended Provider Network Services can help manage the cost while maintaining quality of care by focusing on the following:

  • Medicare Eligibility Management
  • Contractual Discounts
  • Claim Audit/Re-pricing